How Many Solar Panels Are Needed to Run a House?

Are you interested in taking your home as much off the grid as possible but can’t seem to find the right time to do so. The team at Rennaissance Solar can assist. We know all there is to know about solar power.

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of calculating the number of solar panels is estimating your household’s annual energy usage. Various consumer products that are on the larger side can change your requirements significantly. For example, if you are heating a swimming pool or have an air conditioning system, the size of your solar solution will change drastically.
Calculating Your Solar Panel Requirements
If you’re wondering how to estimate energy consumption numbers and how many solar panels you’ll need, here’s the breakdown. Start by looking at how many kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity you use annually. Your service provider can provide you with a summary of your total power consumption over the last 12 months.

One kWh is equal to 1000 watts per hour. If you have 20 lights in your home that use 50-watt bulbs, you’ll use one kWh of electricity by having every light switched on for one hour. The average household uses around 10 000 to 11 000 kWh per year.

Look at your monthly electricity bills and see what you are spending per month and/or the units consumed. If it is around R1500 – R2 000 per month then a 5kVa Hybrid system will suit you with 8 x 455W panels and 1 x 5.5kWh Lithium Ion battery. If it is around R2 500 per month you need more like 10 panels and 2 batteries.

When you get to R3 500 per month you need an 8kVa inverter, 14 panels and 2 or 3 batteries.
And if around R4 000 a month then it’s 10kVa of the inverter, 16 Panels and 2 – 3 batteries. And so on …

How Many kWh Can Solar Panels Generate?
The amount of kWh solar panels can generate will depend on their exposure to sunlight. This will vary according to where you are in South Africa as well as what time of year it is.

While it’s possible to add more solar panels after the initial installation, the best option is to accurately size your system based on your prospective energy consumption. If you plan to invest in an air conditioning system, it must be taken into account.

If you’re a homeowner in the early stages of solar shopping and you would just like a ballpark estimate for an installation, we suggest you book a consultation with the team at Renaissance Solar. Give us a call today!

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